Trusting another individual with the care of your loved ones is never an easy decision to make. When elderly loved ones can no longer be looked after safely at home, nursing facilities are often the only option. New Jersey law mandates that all nursing homes provide humane treatment and proper medical attention to their patients. Negligent care for a population that is already at risk of serious injury is unacceptable. When it comes to Bergen County and the rest of New Jersey, our nursing home abuse lawyers at The Epstein Law Firm, P.A. in Hackensack are the ones to turn to.

To obtain the full and just compensation you are entitled to, our committed nursing home neglect attorneys in Hackensack, NJ employ their expertise, reputation, and resources. Our Hackensack nursing home abuse lawyers are renowned for treating cases much like yours seriously and devoting the time necessary to personally develop your case in order to obtain the best outcomes.

If you believe a loved one has been a victim of nursing home negligence, it is crucial to act swiftly, as our nursing home neglect attorneys in Hackensack, NJ are aware of. We take preventative precautions and start our investigation right away if your loved one has been wounded or received subpar treatment while residing in a nursing home. Contact our skilled Hackensack nursing home abuse lawyers for nursing home negligence prevention today for a free consultation to find out more about how to hold a negligent nursing home financially liable.

Abuse in Nursing Homes May Have Serious Repercussions

The repercussions of nursing homes not providing sufficient care might be severe. Neglected nursing home residents risk serious injury and deterioration of their current ailments. Nursing home incompetence can specifically damage residents in the following ways:

  • A fall injury. Residents of nursing homes are frequently admitted because they cannot properly care for themselves, necessitating some level of supervision to ensure their safety. When assistance is not provided, residents who are unable to safely transfer from one location to another risk suffering serious falls.
  • Mobile residents. Similarly to this, inhabitants of nursing homes could be cognitively confused. Residents may stray and suffer severe injuries if nursing home staff are negligent in their tasks or the institution is overcrowded and stressed.
  • Failure to observe Staff workers who disregard residents is a common example of nursing home negligence. The effects of this kind of carelessness can be severe and include, for instance:
    • Dehydration or undernutrition
    • the deterioration of current medical issues
    • medication misuse, such as taking too many pills or failing to take them at the right times
  • Pressure ulcers and bed sores. Patients who are bedridden frequently fall victim to nursing home negligence. These patients must be frequently moved while immobile to avoid unpleasant and severe bed sores.
  • Sexual or physical abuse. The victim of physical or sexual abuse in a nursing home may not always come forward and discuss it. Victims may become more reclusive and rebuff your inquiries about how they are doing. Suspicious bruises may be a sign of physical abuse as well as fear in relation to a nurse or other staff member.

Contacting our seasoned Hackensack personal injury lawyers right away is crucial if your loved one has any unexplained injuries or you feel they are being ignored in a nursing home. We have two objectives in these situations. We put in an endless effort to:

Ensure the safety of residents in nursing homes, whether by removing them from the facility or ensuring they receive proper care going forward, and secure financial recompense for any damages caused by nursing home malpractice.

Recognizing Negligence and Abuse in Nursing Homes

Negligence in nursing homes can take many different forms. Even if you frequently visit your loved one, it could take some time before you notice that something is amiss. Nursing home carelessness may be very subtle, in contrast to nursing home abuse, which is typically easier to spot.

In the simplest terms, nursing home negligence occurs when the facility or staff members neglect to take care of residents’ basic requirements. This might take place if the nursing home:

  • Provides no necessary drugs
  • Does not adequately protect residents who are at risk of falling
  • Fails to prevent a person from escaping the nursing home
  • Neglects to promptly find residents the appropriate medical care
  • Refuses to give you food or drink, or doesn’t give you enough to eat.
  • Fails to provide the necessary care, such as caring for patients who are immobilized in beds, in an appropriate manner
  • Provides little guidance or support, which may lead to severe injuries
  • Otherwise disregards nursing home residents’ fundamental rights, whether they relate to their bodily or mental needs

A uniform set of regulations that are meant to protect the welfare and safety of nursing home patients are applied to all facilities in New Jersey. Residents are granted a number of rights under those regulations, including:

  • The right to be free from mistreatment, including verbal, physical, and financial mistreatment.
  • The right to remain uncrowded and unburdened
  • Receiving all suitable and essential care, such as pain management, medical assessments and therapy, and any other kind of care the resident may require particularly.
  • The right to reside in a secure and hygienic nursing home
  • The right to obtain a written summary of the legal rights that nursing home residents are particularly entitled to under the law. Any additional legal rights that residents may have under state or federal law.

While neglect in a nursing home can have equally dire repercussions, nursing home abuse is reprehensible in and of itself. Your loved one might sustain bodily harm, feel lonely emotionally, and any underlying conditions might deteriorate. Our nursing home neglect attorneys in Hackensack, NJ at The Epstein Law Firm, P.A. are dedicated to doing everything in our power to stop nursing home malpractice and hold culpable parties accountable to the greatest extent of the law, including financially.

About Hackensack, NJ

Hackensack, New Jersey, is the economic and cultural center of Bergen County. Locals had been using the name Hackensack informally since the 18th century, long before it was formally recognized in 1921. (when it was still referred to as New Barbadoes Township). About 46,030 individuals will consider the city their home permanently as of the 2020 US Census.

Take Legal Action Right Once By Contacting Our Reputable Hackensack Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers

It could be challenging to take legal action against a care home on your own. The majority of nursing facilities are owned by huge corporations, which hire defense legal teams to reduce their exposure to responsibility. They will take action as soon as they become aware of a complaint in order to defend the nursing home.

The Epstein Law Firm, P.A.’s experienced nursing home neglect attorneys in Hackensack, NJ are ready to defend your right to just recompense for your suffering, medical expenses, and other damages. To arrange a free, no-obligation case evaluation, contact our office right away.

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Cases Involving Nursing Home Negligence

Why should I file a lawsuit against a careless nursing home rather than just remove my loved one from the situation?

Legal action serves two main objectives. Yes, you are entitled to monetary damages for the suffering you have endured. Legal action might aid to safeguard people from additional neglect by shedding light on what is occurring within the specific nursing facility. Your compensation will most likely be handled by the nursing home’s insurance provider. But until they can demonstrate that circumstances have improved for residents, the nursing home itself risks losing federal money and required certificates.

What should I do if I believe a nursing home employee has neglected my loved one?

The Adult Protective Services Agency or the New Jersey Office of the Ombudsman for the Institutionalized Elderly are two places where you can start by reporting a problem. But keep in mind that New Jersey’s government agencies are sometimes overburdened and could be slow to act. Finding out what is going on may depend on whether you get in touch with a knowledgeable nursing home negligence attorney who will start working on your case right away.


The first thing that comes to mind when I think of The Epstein Law Firm is, “These guys know what they are doing!” Being involved in a lawsuit is emotionally draining. Having a team like them to support you is like having the best captain in uncharted waters. Aside from being my lawyers and doing their job, it felt like they genuinely cared about me and my mental state. No words can ever fully express my gratitude.

Nicholas G.

An outstanding firm with excellent attorneys. If you need a representation, they are definitely the ones to contact.

Jamie B.