Workplace harassment and discrimination can happen to any employee, regardless of stereotypes or social biases. Sexual harassment is a common type of harassment that occurs in the workplace and is generally associated with female employees as the victim. A federal lawsuit has been filed in New Jersey, which claims a male teacher was the victim of sexual harassment at the workplace.

The former teacher has filed a federal lawsuit claiming sexual harassment and has named the defendant as New Jersey’s Rockland County Board of Cooperative Educational Services. In the lawsuit, the former teacher claims he was the victim of unwanted sexual harassment on multiple occasions and thereby endured repeated sexual harassment. Prior to the former teacher being hired, the former teacher had a sexual relationship with one of the board’s directors.

After the former teacher was hired as a teacher, he told the board director that the sexual relationship was over and ended their relationship. Following the termination of their relationship, the board director made sexual advances towards the former teacher. After the repeated sexual advances by the board director towards the former teacher, the board director terminated the former teacher.

The former teacher and board director began a sexual relationship prior to the former teacher applying for the position. In fact, it is claimed by the former teacher that the board director encouraged the former teacher to apply for the position. The former teacher claims he ended their relationship in an effort to not complicate their shared working environment. The lawsuit remains pending.

Source: Rockland County Times, “Teacher Claims he was Fired After Refusing Sexual Advances,” July 26, 2012