It would be practically impossible to overstate the impact that a brain injury would have upon the development of a child. No matter how long the child lives after sustaining a brain injury, it is still conceivable that child will suffer some sort of intellectual or physical impairment for the majority of their lives.

Brain injuries to children are often the result of falls. Though most falls do not result in dramatic impact to the brain and cause injury, falls down stairs or onto hard objects could greatly increase the chances of traumatic brain injury. There are also a substantial number of brain injuries that result from motor vehicle or various pedestrian accidents.

Even short term impairment due to brain injury will leave such children behind the intellectual development of their peers. For example, many children with severe traumatic brain injury lagged behind their peers for up to three years after the injury. Three years is a long time to heal from an injury under any circumstances, but to lag behind for that long of a period during their development period could ultimately mean these children will never have the opportunity to catch up with their peers – especially without special resources.

It needs to be kept in mind that the child is not the only individual that suffers due to their brain injury. Parents and other caregivers will also be financially and emotionally burdened as well. The child might require medical treatment, counseling, tutoring and other special care that parents may not be able to afford. Thus, if a child suffers a brain injury through the fault of others, such negligent parties must be obligated to compensate the child and his parents at least partially for what has occurred.

Source: CNN Health, “Severe traumatic brain injury affects development in young children,” by Caitlin Hagan, Jan. 23, 2012