There are currently 10 pending Plavix product liability lawsuits in New Jersey federal courts. There are also an additional 40 lawsuits filed in New Jersey state court as well. These lawsuits concerning side effects of the medication all primarily involve life threatening bleeding that may occur as well as cause a blood disorder known as thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP).

There have also been a number of other lawsuits filed against the manufacturers of Plavix concerning possible ulcers, heart attacks, strokes and other symptoms related to the blood thinner medication. The lawsuits have come about because the makers of the medication have allegedly failed to research the drug or warn of the potential side effects.

Information produced concerning Plavix is not new. The FDA has issued warnings stating that the effectiveness of using Plavix can be interfered with by the use of other medications such as Prilosec and thus increases the risk of heart attacks, blot clotting and strokes. It has also been alleged by the FDA that anti-blood clotting qualities of Plavix may not work uniformly for all patients due to a difference in genetic factors. Thus, for certain at risk patient’s use of Plavix should absolutely be avoided.

Remember that we are dealing with drug manufacturers that have generated billions of dollars in sales from the drug that is now the subject of all of this litigation. This indicates the tremendous financial reserves that such companies have available to them in the litigation of any lawsuit. Therefore, those concerned about the adverse side effects of medications they are taking may want to consult with an experienced attorney that will understand how to successfully sue these drug manufacturers.

It doesn’t inspire confidence that a drug with this track record continues to be marketed in the manner that it is. If not for FDA scrutiny and individuals bringing lawsuits against the manufacturers, the dangers of Plavix may not even be known.

Source: InjuryBoard BlogNetwork, “No Federal MDL for Plavix Injury Lawsuits,” by Shezad Malik, MD, JD, Dec. 19, 2011