According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, the majority of drivers in some cities using red light cameras approve the use of the devices.

That data was based on a survey of drivers in 14 large U.S. cities that have long-standing use of the devices, which capture photos of drivers who run red lights. The new data comes not long after another IIHS survey earlier this year showed that those same cities had experienced a 24 percent decline in fatal intersection accidents attributed to running red lights.

The number of drivers in support of red light cameras in each of the surveyed cities is as follows:

•· Bakersfield, CA – 68%

•· Baltimore, MD – 67%

•· Chandler, AZ – 75%

•· Chicago, IL – 65%

•· Garland, TX – 66%

•· Long Beach, CA – 48%

•· Phoenix, AZ – 74%

•· Portland, OR – 68%

•· Raleigh, NC – 62%

•· Sacramento, CA – 71%

•· San Diego, CA – 64%

•· Santa Ana, CA – 64%

•· Toledo, OH – 58%

•· Washington, D.C. – 78%

According to the IIHS survey, opposition to red light cameras was based largely on several factors. Overall, 26 percent of drivers surveyed said they felt the main purpose of the devices was to increase government revenue. Around 19 percent said the devices do not make roads more safe but rather create more accidents. And 17 percent said they thought the use of red light cameras gave rise to issues of privacy invasion.

The IIHS survey did not look at any New Jersey cities, but a recent survey by the National Coalition for Safer Roads did. In our next post, we’ll take a look at the results of that survey.

Source: Family Car Guide, “Red-Light Cameras Favored in 14 U.S. Cities, Says IIHS Survey,” Suzanne Kane, 5 July 2011.