With Oct. 31 just around the corner, New Jersey residents of all ages are preparing their costumes. By now, they are working out the final details. They are gluing on the last bit of sequence, finding just the right pair of earrings or buying the boots that will complete the cowboy ensemble.

Whether you are preparing the final details for your children’s costumes so that they can earn the yummiest candy or an adult making sure you can win the costume contest at the local club, safety should be a part of the plans.

New Jersey law requires all drivers to “stop and stay stopped” while a pedestrian is in a crosswalk. They are supposed to wait until the pedestrian is safely through the intersection, but if you have ever crossed a busy New Jersey road, you know that this is not always the case.

As a pedestrian, you can do a few things to prepare for a safe Halloween night. One of them is to add reflective tape or other material to your costume. If you are carrying a purse or a candy bag or bucket, glow sticks are a great addition to help alert cars of your presence. Hold your children’s hands and always remember the old adage “look both ways before crossing the street.”

If you are a driver, remember that costumes often inhibit a pedestrian’s ability to walk safely, might compromise their range of vision or make them less visible in the dark night. Take extra caution to drive slow, watch the streets and be prepared for young children or even adults who may unexpectedly jump into your path.

Source: nj.com, “Stay safe on Halloween,” Oct. 25, 2012

If you should become injured this Halloween night, our Pedestrian Accidents page provides information to victims in New Jersey.