It’s almost impossible to understand how many adjustments a family needs to make when a spinal cord injury occurs to one of its members. Dealing with issues related to spinal cord injuries has become reality for one New Jersey family after a firefighter was paralyzed in a car accident this prior Christmas Eve.

This individual’s parents and siblings drive for more than one-and-a-half hours every morning to visit the paralyzed man in a Rehabilitation Institute, and they often do not return home until seven or eight hours later. The family is receiving instructions on how to deal with this family member’s paralysis when he returns home. The family has also spent a great deal of time and money in retrofitting their home to make it handicapped accessible for their injured family member.

This is only a beginning. The expense the family has faced in light of this accident has likely been overwhelming.

The paralyzed man has undergone a number of surgeries, has twice had to be revived due to cardiac arrest, and has had to deal with a number of other physical ailments as well. He had spent months in the hospital before being moved to a rehabilitation unit.

Unfortunately, someone has to pay for all of this care. If not for the many volunteers that have stepped up to help out the family, their situation could be far worse.

Attorneys accustomed to dealing with car accident victims will do what they can to help find alternate revenue sources. Such attorneys will deal with insurance companies and other parties that may or may not have been responsible for such an accident.

The paralyzed man is looking forward to going home. He has tried to remain positive in the face of so much adversity. He has been luckier than most paralyzed victims only in that he has had a supportive family to help out.

Source: Lacey Patch, “Courage, Strength, Faith: Inglis Family Ready for Son’s Return Home,” by Elaine Piniat, July 25, 2012