Temporary disability benefits are a critical component of workers’ compensation in New Jersey, designed to support employees who are unable to work due to a job-related injury or illness. These benefits provide financial relief during the recovery period, ensuring that injured workers can focus on their health without the added stress of lost wages. 

Understanding temporary disability benefits is essential for both employees and employers to navigate the complexities of workers’ compensation effectively. In this article, we will explore the eligibility criteria, application process, benefit calculations, and duration of temporary disability benefits in New Jersey, with expert insights from The Epstein Law Firm.

Eligibility Criteria for Temporary Disability Benefits

To qualify for temporary disability benefits under New Jersey workers’ compensation, an employee must meet specific eligibility criteria.

Work-Related Injury or Illness

The injury or illness must be work-related, occurring during the course of employment. This means the incident that caused the injury must have happened while the employee was performing their job duties or as a direct result of their employment.

Inability to Work

The employee must be unable to perform their job duties for more than seven days. Benefits are not payable for the first seven days unless the disability extends beyond 14 days. This waiting period ensures that only those with more serious injuries receive benefits.

Medical Certification

A licensed physician must certify that the employee is temporarily disabled and unable to work. This certification is crucial as it provides the necessary medical evidence to support the claim for temporary disability benefits.

It is important to note that the employment status of the injured worker at the time of the injury is crucial. Both full-time and part-time employees are eligible for benefits, provided the injury or illness occurred during work activities. Independent contractors, however, are generally not covered under workers’ compensation. Additionally, certain other categories of workers, such as volunteers and domestic workers, may also be excluded from coverage under New Jersey law.

How to Apply for Temporary Disability Benefits

Applying for temporary disability benefits involves a straightforward but detailed process.

Report the Injury

The injured employee must promptly report the injury or illness to their employer, ensuring that the incident is documented. Timely reporting is essential as delays can complicate the claims process and potentially lead to denials.

Seek Medical Treatment

The employee needs to seek medical treatment from an authorized healthcare provider chosen by the employer or insurance carrier. The medical provider will assess the injury and determine the employee’s inability to work, providing the necessary certification for temporary disability.

Complete Necessary Forms

The employee must complete the necessary workers’ compensation forms, which typically include the Employee Claim Petition (Form WC-14). This form should be filed with the Division of Workers’ Compensation and the employer’s insurance carrier. Accurate and thorough completion of these forms is crucial to avoid delays or denials in benefit approval.

Submit Documentation

Along with the completed forms, the employee should submit any required documentation, such as medical reports and evidence of earnings. This documentation supports the claim and helps expedite the approval process.

Follow Up

After submission, the employee should follow up with the employer’s insurance carrier and the Division of Workers’ Compensation to ensure that the claim is being processed and to address any additional requirements or questions that may arise.

Calculating Temporary Disability Benefits

Temporary disability benefits in New Jersey are calculated based on the employee’s average weekly wage (AWW).

Determining the AWW

The AWW is determined by taking the total earnings of the injured worker for the 26 weeks preceding the injury and dividing it by 26. If the employee has worked for less than 26 weeks, the calculation is adjusted accordingly. This average provides a fair representation of the employee’s usual earnings.

Benefit Amount

Once the AWW is established, the benefit amount is typically 70% of the AWW, subject to minimum and maximum limits set by the New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development. As of 2024, the maximum weekly benefit is $1,099, and the minimum is $252. These limits are adjusted annually based on changes in the state’s average weekly wage. This ensures that the benefits remain in line with current economic conditions.

It is important for employees to understand that temporary disability benefits are designed to replace a portion of their lost wages, not the entire amount. This partial replacement helps balance the financial support needed by injured workers with the overall costs to the workers’ compensation system.

Duration and Termination of Temporary Disability Benefits

The duration of temporary disability benefits is contingent on the employee’s recovery period. Benefits are payable until one of the following conditions is met.

Return to Work

The employee returns to work. This could be either at their previous job or in a different role that accommodates their medical restrictions.

Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI)

The employee reaches MMI, which is determined when a healthcare provider concludes that the injured worker’s condition has stabilized and no further significant improvement is expected. At this point, the employee may be assessed for permanent disability benefits if they have lasting impairments.

Benefit Duration Limit

The employee has received benefits for 400 weeks. This long-term limit ensures that there is a cap on the duration of temporary benefits, encouraging resolution of the claim and appropriate treatment of the injury.

Temporary disability benefits may also be terminated if:

  • The employee fails to comply with medical treatment. Adhering to prescribed medical treatment is essential for recovery and maintaining eligibility for benefits.
  • The employee is found to be engaging in activities inconsistent with their claimed disability. For example, if an employee is observed performing physical activities that contradict their claimed inability to work, their benefits may be terminated.

It is crucial for injured workers to adhere to their treatment plan and attend all scheduled medical appointments to maintain eligibility for benefits. Communication with the healthcare provider and the employer’s insurance carrier is also important to ensure that all necessary information is provided and any issues are promptly addressed.

Contact The Epstein Law Firm Today

Temporary disability benefits are a vital lifeline for workers in New Jersey who suffer from job-related injuries or illnesses. These benefits provide financial support during the recovery period, ensuring that injured employees can focus on their health without the added burden of lost income. 

By understanding the eligibility criteria, application process, benefit calculations, and duration of temporary disability benefits, both employees and employers can navigate the workers’ compensation system more effectively. If you have any questions or need assistance with your workers’ compensation claim, The Epstein Law Firm is here to provide expert guidance and support.

For further information and personalized assistance, contact The Epstein Law Firm today to ensure you receive the benefits you are entitled to under New Jersey law. Our experienced team is dedicated to helping you through every step of the process, from filing your claim to receiving your benefits and beyond.  Contact us today at 201-231-7847 or schedule a consultation online to learn more.